The APRI Network will further multi-national awareness, understanding and opportunities for collaboration.
For the long-term vision, this is an essential next step in the creation of a sustainable, robust international partnership that will promote research integrity in the region.
Program of the APRI Network Meeting on Research Integrity
February 26, 2018 (Monday)
- Registration
- Welcome address
- Open meeting
Plenary 1: Overview / introduction
Plenary 2: Good practices for mentoring and collaboration
Plenary 3: Good practices for authorship
Plenary 4: Good practices for data management
Plenary 5: Good practices to protect against bias and conflicts of interest
Plenary 6: Good practices for societal responsibilities
- Closing Remarks
February 27, 2018 (Tuesday)
- Keynote Lecture 1 and 2
- Working meeting
- Meeting Introduction / Goals of Meeting
- Breakout Session 1: Harmonization of cross-border standards
- Breakout Session 1: Reports and Discussion
- Social Event
February 28, 2018 (Wednesday)
- Working meeting
- Breakout Session 2: Strategies for promoting ability of all members of research community to raise questions and, when appropriate, report misconduct
- Breakout Session 2: Reports and Discussion
- Breakout Session 3: Importance of focusing on the research environment and culture rather than just a single course or policy
- Breakout Session 3: Reports and Discussion
All information is gathered from the APRI website, where detailed information can be found.