Estonian Research Council (ETAG)

Founding year



Estonian Science Foundation was founded in 1990 and reestablished as Estonian Research Council in 2012

ENRIO member since



State foundation

Main Tasks

The Estonian Research Council is the main funding organisation of R&D in Estonia, consolidating different grants and types of funding. It supports international collaboration, organises research evaluation and assessments of the effectiveness of grants, and runs a wide variety of science communication activities. ETAG is the implementing body for the Estonian research information system. ETAG has taken the lead in introducing and implementing the Research integrity, Open science, and Gender mainstreaming in Estonia.


ETAG occasionally organises seminars and workshops but doesn’t provide any RI specific training programs.

Promoting Research Integrity

ETAG was one of the initiators for creating the Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity in 2017. In 2023 ETAG funded the pilot national survey on research integrity in Estonia. Since 2019 ETAG has been actively involved in policy discussions with Estonian Ministry of Education and Research on reforming the national research integrity and ethics landscape.


Marten Juurik

Head of the Field of Research Integrity