European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity
ENERI (European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity) brings together the key players involved in research ethics and research integrity. More effective exchange of information among Research Ethics Committees (RECs) and Research Integrity Offices (RIOs) and the synergy effects of a network will strengthen the capacity to uphold high ethical standards in research, will promote research integrity and minimize questionable research practices and even misconduct in science. This is related to the improvement of existing practices and networking process including the development of training. The envisaged measures and tools of ENERI will lead to an optimization of the available knowledge stock and expertise of the involved actors by meetings, workshops, position paper, database and other electronic tools. More harmonized structures and proceedings will result in more effective forms in ethics evaluation and research integrity monitoring in Europe.
ENERI will meet these demands and challenges by establishing an operable platform of actors in the fields of research ethics and research integrity. The proposed network needs to be based on existing networks, projects and infrastructures that already initiated and developed important steps in sharing information, training and capacity building. Research ethics committees, review boards, ombudspersons’ offices, research integrity offices and supporting structures are the established bodies monitoring, accompanying and assisting the process of responsible and justifiable research. Therefore the European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO) and the European Network of Research Ethics Committees (EUREC) mutually initiated this European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity (ENERI) in collaborations with experts in academic research ethics (RE) and responsible research and innovation (RRI), practitioners in training and education in research ethics, and specialists in e-communication and database design.
ENERI has already started its work in September 2016 and will operate initially until August 2019. The project is financed by the Horizon2020 Programme.
For more information on ENERI please contact us or visit www.eneri.eu.
Dr. Nicole Foeger
Managing Director
Austrian Agency for Research Integrity
Landstrasser Hauptstrasse 9/TOP 21
1030 Vienna - Austria
ENERI network partners
If you want to learn more about the ENERI network partners, please visit their websites.
University of Bonn | Coordinator (Germany)https://www.uni-bonn.de/
ALL European Academies (ALLEA)http://www.allea.org/
Aarhus University (Denmark)http://www.au.dk/en/
Austrian Agency for Research Integrity (Austria)http://www.oeawi.at/
European Network of Research Ethics Committees (EUREC)http://www.eurecnet.org/index.html
European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO)https://www.enrio.eu/
Institute for Advanced Studies (Austria)https://www.ihs.ac.at/
Maastricht University (The Netherlands)https://www.caphri.nl/
National Technical University of Athens (Greece)https://www.ntua.gr/en/
University of Bergen (Norway)http://www.uib.no/en
University of Helsinki (Finland)https://www.helsinki.fi/en
Vilnius University (Lithuania)http://www.vu.lt/en/