ENRIO working groups

ENRIO Working Groups : the ENRIO network for practical contributions to Research Integrity in Europe

ENRIO members meet regularly to share their needs and challenges. These meetings are an opportunity to define current and important directions for research integrity in Europe. Selected topics are chosen to develop further work among ENRIO members, thus giving a European dimension to key issues for its members. On this page, you can find more information on the work of the ENRIO working groups, contact their coordinators, offer your contribution or suggest topics for future work.


External working groups

These working groups are aimed at producing resources for all research integrity practitioners in Europe.

To contribute, contact the working group coordinator or ENRIO secretary : office@enrio.eu


Research Integrity Definitions WG

WG coordinators : Helene Ingierd, Loreta Tauginienė, Michaela Lenčéšová 

Research is defined by ALLEA as “the quest for knowledge obtained through systematic study, thinking, observation, and experimentation” {ALLEA (2023) The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity Revised Edition 2023. Berlin. DOI 10.26356/ECOC}.

Research integrity is a prerequisite for excellence in research and is the cornerstone of societal trust in researchers and research institutions. To support member organizations and advance research integrity in Europe, ENRIO has established a research integrity definitions project. Central terms, such as “research integrity”, “scientific integrity”, “research ethics”, “research misconduct”, and “scientific misconduct”, may have different perceived and legal meanings in different institutions, cultures, and countries.
ENRIO recognizes that it is important to have clear and explicit core definitions to promote responsible conduct of research, to assist in addressing potential instances of research misconduct, and to strengthen research integrity. The projects aims are to map key concepts, develop a glossary of key definitions and recommend some definitions and interpretations of key concepts.

Deliverable : tbd


Ethics in Humanities and Social Sciences WG

WG coordinator : Iina Kohonen

The working group was established to facilitate networking among members working on ethical issues in the humanities and social sciences. The primary purpose of the group is to share knowledge and experience in this area.

Deliverable : tbd


Whistleblower protection WG (completed) 

WG coordinators : Hjördis Czesnick, Helga Nolte

Summary : ENRIO, the European Network of Research Integrity Offices (also ENRIO vzw), is dedicated to the exchange of information and development of best practices in different fields of research integrity. Ever since the network was founded in 2008, communication around and how to deal with “whistleblowers” in research has emerged as a topic of discussion. This WG developed a document by collecting information on best practices regarding the protection of whistleblowers in research. It aimed to provide a guide for research performing institutions on how to implement an adequate whistleblowing management system.

Deliverable : ENRIO Handbook on Whistleblower Protection in Research | Zenodo




Internal working groups

These working groups are dedicated to the efficient functioning of ENRIO. To contribute, contact the working group coordinator or ENRIO secretary : office@enrio.eu

ENRIO Horizon Europe WG

WG coordinator : Loreta Tauginienė

The Horizon Europe work programme includes calls for strengthening the ERA on key areas, including research integrity and ethics. Proposals under these topics are encouraged to involve ethics and integrity networks, such as ENRIO or other European networks of researchers and educators in the field of research ethics and integrity. This working group aims at coordinating ENRIO’s support to, or participation in these projects.

ENRIO communications WG

WG coordinator : Panagiotis Kavouras

ENRIO’s activities benefit from the participation of its members and other stakeholders in the field of research integrity. Information on ENRIO’s activities and outcomes must be based on communication tools and strategies (internal and external) that meet the needs of its community. The aim of this working group is to maintain these tools and to develop and implement the communication strategy.