ENRIO meeting
Ljubljana (Slovenia), 14 - 15 April 2016
14 - 15 April 2016
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
Masarykova cesta 16
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Nicole Fӧger, Austria
Urša Opara Krašovec, Slovenia (CWS)
Thursday 14 April 2016 till 18:00 p.m.
- Opening, welcome and brief report by the Chair
- Welcome by Meta Dobnikar, Head of Science Division, Ministry for Education,
Science and Sport, Slovenia - Welcome by Marija Bešter Rogač, President of the Commission of Women in Science
- Adoption of the Agenda
- Approval of the Minutes of the ENRIO Meeting in Athens 26th and 27th of Nov 2015
- Progress made in Slovenia towards formation of national body dealing with RI; Urša Opara Krašovec
- ENERI – European Network of Ethics and Research Integrity: ENRIO as project partner
- Recent developments for ENRIO
- ARIO (US Association of Research Integrity Officers); Torkild Vinther
- France and RI; Asael Rouby
- WCRI V Amsterdam
- News from ALLEA: update of European CoC; Krista Varantola
- Other EU funded projects: PRINTEGER, HEIRRI, RRI-Tools, ENRRICH…
- ENRIO and the web, LinkedIn,..; Asael Rouby
- New participants in ENRIO
Friday 15 April 2016 09:00 till 13:00 p.m
- Member’s corner: Developments on Research Integrity in member countries
- Internal and strategic discussions
- Next ENRIO Meeting: date and venue