Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Founding year



The SNSF was founded on 1 August 1952 by the scientific umbrella organisations of Switzerland. Its main tasks were and still are providing financial support for research projects in all academic disciplines and promoting young scientists.

ENRIO member since



The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is a private foundation. Based on a government mandate, it supports scientific research in all academic disciplines from physics to medicine to sociology.

Main Tasks

The core task of the SNSF is the evaluation and funding of research projects. By allocating public research money based on the principle of competition, the SNSF contributes to the high quality of research in Switzerland. It is the leading Swiss organisation for the promotion of scientific research.

The task of preventing and investigating cases of scientific misconduct at the SNSF is the responsibility of the Commission on Research Integrity (Commission) and the Plagiarism Control Group (Control Group).

The Commission has the primary responsibility for cases of alleged research misconduct in the application procedure for SNSF grants. If research misconduct occurs in the use of SNSF grants, the investigation and sanctioning is usually the primary responsibility of the research institution that employs the researcher. The Control Group investigates plagiarism allegations and regularly carries out random checks on around 5 percent of research applications submitted to the SNSF.


Anyone, whether a member of the scientific community or a member of the public in and outside Switzerland, may report suspected cases of scientific misconduct to the SNSF. Informers can also report anonymously; they have no party rights. The Commission can also act on its own initiative in that its member delegates can bring forward allegations they discovered through random checks or during the evaluation procedure.

The SNSF investigates all alleged cases of scientific misconduct as per its Regulations. In particular, the SNSF investigates and sanctions alleged scientific misconduct in connection with the application for or use of SNSF grants committed by (i) applicants (ii) grantees, and/or (iii) project partners (parties concerned).

The presumption of innocence applies to all proceedings. Those concerned are given the opportunity to present their view of the case. Even after a suspected case has been confirmed, the identities of the parties concerned remain confidential.

If the allegations are verifiable and provided the SNSF is competent, the Commission examines the case in detail. During its investigation, the Commission may obtain information from affected institutions or persons in Switzerland and abroad. It may also request confidential support and advice from internal or external experts. If research misconduct has occurred, the Commission submits a report to the Presiding Board of the Research Council of the SNSF who is competent to decide on the legal consequences of the scientific misconduct, including the appropriate sanctions to impose.


Training is within the research institutions’ competence.

Promoting Research Integrity

The SNSF sees research integrity as the commitment of each scientist to sound scientific practices. Confidence in the fact that research work is carried out conscientiously is a sine qua non for research funding. The SNSF therefore urges all concerned to maintain a self-critical attitude where adherence to sound scientific practices is concerned.


Sophie Kohli


Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Executive Staff / Legal Department
Wildhainweg 3, P.O. Box, CH-3001 Berne

+41 31 308 22 58

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (SAAS)

Founding year



The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences is an association of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAHS), the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS), the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) and the Swiss Young Academy (SYA). It further comprises the centre of excellence for technology assessment (TA-SWISS) and the foundation Science et Cité as well as other scientific networks.

At their founding in 2006, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences became the largest academic network in Switzerland. Over 110,000 members — active in more than 154 academic associations; 132 committees, working groups, and advisory boards; and 29 cantonal and regional associations — volunteer their time and expertise to build important bridges between science and society. Experts and interested laypeople from research, technology, business, politics and administration work together to formulate the basic principles, possible courses of action, and initiatives needed to overcome current and future challenges confronting us due to technological, societal, and environmental change.

ENRIO member since



The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences are a research funding institution for networking and dialogue in accordance with the Research and Innovation Promotion Act (RIPA). They operate and promote the early identification of socially relevant topics in the areas of education, research and innovation, network the scientific community, are committed to the perception of ethical responsibility in research and teaching and shape the dialogue between science and society to promote mutual understanding.

Main Tasks

As a federal government research-funding institution, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences strengthen networking in the scientific community. This extends across the entire ERI landscape, and forms the link with society, with whom they are in constant dialogue. The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences underscore their joint strategic focus with ten goals in their core mission. The goals have an influence on all of the Academies’ activities. The goals can also be addressed in combination, depending on the organizational unit and the project.

Promoting Research Integrity

What framework conditions guide and characterise science? How are research results made accessible to the general public? The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences address these questions and advocate a scientific culture that makes scientific data, methods, results and publications freely accessible and evaluates achievements according to more than just quantitative metrics.

With regard to scientific integrity, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences published the Code of conduct for scientific integrity in 2021. Its aim is to strengthen scientific integrity in research and educational settings, while addressing all actors, participating in the creation, dissemination and promotion of knowledge within the Swiss system of higher education. For Institutions it serves as a checklist for their own regulations and as a practical reference when there is doubt about best practices. Furthermore, the code takes recent developments in the fields of open science and social media into account, and provides precise recommendations on how best to set up structures for the protection of integrity.


Karin Spycher

Head of Scientific Integrity

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
3001 Bern

+ 41 31 306 92 35