• Authorship of scientific publications and contribution to research (2023)https://recercaiuniversitats.gencat.cat/en/detalls/article/Autoria-de-publicacions-cientifiques-i-contribucio-a-la-recerca

    Table of contents: Justification, Definition and determination of authorship, Order of authorship and conflicts

  • National Statement of Scientific Integrity by CSIC (2015)8 Pages

    In English and Spanish. The  present National Statement establishes  ethical  principles  and  professional responsibilities relating to research activity, and at the same time calls for joint efforts  and commitment by all actors involved. 

  • Manual of Conflicts of Interest by CSIC (2015)50 Pages

    Table of contents: Prologue, Aims and scope of the institutional policy on conflicts of interest, Conflicts of interest. Actual, apparent and potential conflicts, Activities, scenarios and situations that may involve conflicts of interest within CSIC, Implementation of the institutional conflicts of interest policy. Procedures and actions. Body responsible for implementation and oversight, Regulatory framework, Annex

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