• Rome Statement on Research Integrity2 Pages

  • CIRAD Code of Ethics8 Pages

    table of contents: Preamble; Parties to the Code; Research for Development Partnerships: A Specific Aspect of the Code; Implementation of the Code

  • Annual Report LOWI 20229 Pages

    Table of contents: composition, status, tasks, affiliated institutions, advisory opinions issued in 2022, 2022 in figures

  • Authorship of scientific publications and contribution to research (2023)https://recercaiuniversitats.gencat.cat/en/detalls/article/Autoria-de-publicacions-cientifiques-i-contribucio-a-la-recerca

    Table of contents: Justification, Definition and determination of authorship, Order of authorship and conflicts

  • Framework for ensuring research integrity in collaborative agreements by Irish National Research Integrity Forum (2022)12 Pages

    Table of contents: Context, Research Integrity Principles, General Responsibilities, Roles and Responsibilities, Customary Practices and Assumptions, Protection of Good Research Practice, Governance, Compliance, Responding to Research Misconduct, Transparency, Dissemination, Communication & Exploitation of Research Results, Authorship and Acknowledgement, Inventorship, Open Research, Checklist, Useful Resources

  • Recommendations for the Investigation of Research Misconduct by ENRIO (2019)35 Pages

    Table of contents: Preamble, Recommendations for the Investigation of Research Misconduct, Code of Conduct, Definition of research misconduct and other unacceptable/irresponsible practices, Setting up or improving a Research Integrity (RI) system, Conflict of interest, Composition and competence of investigation committees, Transparency versus confidentiality, Receiving allegations or concerns including guidance, Handling allegations, Appeal or second opinion, Sanctions and follow-up, Dissemination and communication during and after an investigation, Cross-boundary allegations/investigations, How to learn from each other. Acknowledgements, Appendix.

  • Ethical Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research by etikkom (2018)https://www.etikkom.no/en/ethical-guidelines-for-research/ethical-guidelines-for-the-use-of-animals-in-research/

    Table of contents: About the guidelines, ethics and experiments on animals, definitions, guidelines.

  • Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (2018)32 Pages

    Table of contents: .Preamble, Scope and transitional provisions, Principles, Standards for good research practices, Institutions’ duties of care, Non-compliance with standards: measures and sanctions, Appendix.

  • Guidelines for research ethics on human remains by etikkom (2016)https://www.etikkom.no/en/ethical-guidelines-for-research/guidelines-for-research--ethics-on-human-remains/

    Table of contents: Scope of the Guidelines, Guidelines for research ethics on human remains: 1. Respect for the deceased, 2. The same consideration irrespective of origin, 3. Respect for descendants, 4. Respect for other groups, 5. Respect for the rarity of the material, 6. Assessment of the feasibility and consequences of the research project, 7. Respect for other researchers, 8. Taking into consideration the context and provenance of a discovery, 9. The importance of complying with existing laws and rules and obtaining authorisations.

  • Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings (2018)http://www.globalcodeofconduct.org/

    This Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings counters ethics dumping by: providing guidance across all research disciplines presenting clear, short statements in simple language to achieve the highest possible accessibility.

  • Misconduct Investigation Procedure by UKRIO (2008)http://ukrio.org/publications/misconduct-investigation-procedure/

    Table of contents: Foreword, Procedure for the investigation of misconduct in research, Part A Background for the use of the Procedure, Part B Preparatory steps, Part C The Procedure, Annexes.

  • Bonn PRINTEGER Statement: Working with research integrity – guidance for research performing organisations (2018)http://printeger.eu/the-bonn-printeger-statement/

    Table of contents: Guidance for organisations’ work with research integrity: Providing information about research integrity, Providing education, training and mentoring, Strengthening a research integrity culture, Facilitating open dialogue, Wise incentive management, Implementing quality assurance procedures, Improving the work environment and work satisfaction, Increasing transparency of misconduct cases, Opening up research, Implementing safe and effective whistle-blowing channels, Protecting the alleged perpetrators, Establishing a research integrity committee and appointing an ombudsperson, Making explicit the applicable standards for research integrity.

  • European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (revised edition) by ALLEA (2017)11 Pages

    Table of Contents: Preamble, Principles, Good Research Practices, Violated of Research Integrity, Annex I: Key Resources, Annex II: Revision Process and List of Stakeholders, Annex III: ALLEA Permanent Working Group on Science and Ethics

  • Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (2017)23 Pages

    Table of contents: Preface, Values, Principles of action (Planning of Research, Conduct of Research, Authorship, Publishing and application of research results), Researcher in the Research Community, Observance, Promotion and application of Research Integrity

  • A Short Guide to Ethical Editing for New Editors by COPE (2016)7 Pages

    Table of contents: Background/structure, Initial assessment of journal when you take over, Relations with the outgoing editor, Relations with the other editors/editorial board, Relations with authors, Transparency, The submission system, Relationship with reviewers, The peer-review process, Can editors publish in their own journal?, Editorial independence/relation with publisher/journal owner, Commercial issues, Responding to possible misconduct/inappropriate behaviour and dealing with complaints, Closing remarks

  • Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area by ESG (2015)32 Pages

    Table of contents: Foreword, Context, scope, purposes and principles, European standards and guidelines for quality assurance in higher education, Annex: Summary list of standards

  • Singapore Statement on Research Integrity (2010)http://www.singaporestatement.org/

    The Singapore Statement on Research Integrity was developed as part of the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, 21-24 July 2010, in Singapore, as a global guide to responsible conduct of research.

  • Authorship in scientific publications by Scientific Integrity Committee of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (2013)30 Pages

    Table of contents: Background, Analysis of existing authorship guidelines, Recommendations on authorship and Appendix.

  • Guidelines for Research Ethics in Science and Technology by etikkom (2016)https://www.etikkom.no/en/ethical-guidelines-for-research/guidelines-for-research-ethics-in-science-and-technology/

    Table of contents: Foreword, Summary, Guidelines (Research ethics, The overriding obligations of research, Good research practice, Uncertainty, risk and the Precautionary Principle, Protection of research subjects, Protection of animals in research, Relationship with traditional and alternative sources of knowledge, Openness, contract research and conflicts of interest, Whistle-blowing and ethical responsibility, Research and popularization, Proposal for a scientific oath) References

  • Guidelines for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Law and Theology by etikkom (2016)44 Pages

    Table of contents: Preface, Introduction, Research, society and ethics, Respect for individuals, Respect for groups and institutions, The research community, Commissioned research, Dissemination of research.

  • Draft Council conclusions on research integrity by European Commission (2015)6 Pages

    The Luxembourg Presidency (2015) considers research integrity as one of its top priorities in the R&I domain. In this context, the Presidency has proposed draft Council conclusions on the issue.

  • International standards for editors and authors, documents by COPEhttp://publicationethics.org/node/11184

    Position statements setting out international standards for responsible research publication for editors and authors.

  • Statement of Principles for Research Integrity by Global Research Council1 Pages

    Table of contents: Preamble, Principles (Leadership, Promotion, Education, Transparent Processes, Response to Allegations of Misconduct, Conditions for Research Support, International Cooperation)

  • Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals by ICMJE (2018)19 Pages

    These recommendations are intended primarily for use by authors who might submit their work for publication to ICMJE member journals.

  • The European Charter for Researchers: The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers by the European Commission (2005)36 Pages

    The European Charter for Researchers is a set of general principles and requirements which specifies the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers.

  • Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice by Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (1998, Update 2013)112 Pages

    Table of contents: Proposals for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice, Forewords, Overview of the Additions and Updates, Recommendations, Problems in the Scientific Systems, Experiences outside Germany, Other National and International Standards, Notes.

  • Good Research Practice – What Is It? by The Swedish Research Council (2006)90 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, Good research practice – some basic requirements, Planning research, Conducting research, Publishing research results, Research collaboration, Other roles of the researcher, Research misconduct, key documents researchers should be familiar with.

  • Co-ordinating Committee for Facilitating International Research Misconduct Investigations by OECD and GSF16 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction and Background, Objectives of the Committee, General principles for conducting investigations in international settings and practical guidelines, Sharing information and establishing networks, Annex

  • Best Practices for Ensuring Scientific Integrity and Preventing Misconduct by OECD and GSF13 Pages

    Table of Contents: Rationale, Background, The Varieties of Misconduct, and its Consequences, Options for Dealing with Misconduct Allegations, Responding to Misconduct Allegations, Investigating Misconduct, International Considerations, Causes, Contributing Factors, and Prevention

  • ORI Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research by Nicholas H. Steneck (2007)184 Pages

    Table of contents: Part I: Shared Values (Rules of the Road, Research Misconduct), Part II: Planning Research (The Protection of Human Subjects, The Welfare of Laboratory Animals, Conflicts of Interest), Part III: Conducting Research (Data Management Practices, Mentor and Trainee Responsibilities, Collaborative Research), Part IV: Reporting and Reviewing Research (Authorship and Publication, Peer review), Part V: Safe Driving and Responsible Research

  • Policy for Dealing with Alleged Research Misconduct in Applications Made to the HRB3 Pages

    Table of contents: Background, Scope, Policy, Initial Action, Contact with the Complainant, Contact with the Institution, HRB Action

  • HRB Guidelines for Host Institutions on the Handling of Allegations of Research Misconduct5 Pages

    Table of contents: Background, Definitions of Research Misconduct, Host institution policy and procedures, Essential content of the host institution policy and procedure, Stages of the investigation process, Right of appeal, Final decision, Possible sanctions

  • Fostering Research Integrity in Europe, Executive Report by ESF (2010)20 Pages

    Table of contents: Preface, Background and Rationale, European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, Defining and Implementing Awareness and Structures for Research Integrity, Need for Further Evidence on Research Integrity, Next Steps: Recommendations for the Future, Annexes

  • COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers (2013)5 Pages

    Table of contents: Expectations during the peer-review process, Expectations post review

  • Guidance for Editors: Research, Audit and Service Evaluations by COPE (2014)1 Pages

    Table of contents: Guidance for Editors: Research, Audit and Service Evaluations

  • Text recycling guidelines for editors by BioMed Central (2016)5 Pages

    Table of contents: How can editors deal with text recycling?, When should action be considered?, What action should be taken if text recycling is discovered?

  • Sharing of Information Among Editors-in-Chief Regarding Possible Misconduct by COPE (2015)3 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, Background, Guidance, References

  • Journals’ Best Practices for Ensuring Consent for Publishing Medical Case Reports: guidance from COPE (2016)5 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, General principles, Information to be collected in publication consent forms, Examples of forms for consent to publication of cases and relevant guidance,

  • Responsible research publication: international standards for authors by L. Wager, S. Kleinert (2010)6 Pages

    A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010

  • How to handle authorship disputes: a guide for new researchers by COPE (2003)3 Pages

    Content: How to reduce the incidence of authorship problems, How to handle authorship disputes when they occur, What you can do if authorship issues are not resolved, Key concepts in authorship

  • Guidelines for retracting articles by COPE (2009)6 Pages

  • Cooperation between research institutions and journals on research integrity cases by COPE (2012)9 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, Scope, Background principles, Defining misconduct, Recommendations for cooperation between research institutions and journals, References

  • Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing by COPE (2015)3 Pages

    16 Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing

  • Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers by COPE1 Pages

  • The concordat to support research integrity by Universities UK (2012)26 Pages

    Table of contents: Summary of commitments, Foreword by the Minister for Universities and Science, Foreword by the signatories to the concordat, Introduction, Maintaining the highest standards of research integrity, Embedding a culture of research integrity, Dealing with allegations of research misconduct, A commitment to strengthening research integrity, Annexe I-III

  • General guidelines for research ethics by etikkom1 Pages

  • Responsible Research Data Management and the Prevention of Scientific Misconduct by Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science (2013)84 Pages

    Table of Contents: Foreword, Introduction, Responsible Research Data Management, Integrity in Scientific Research, Preparation for Scientific Research in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and during researcher training, Summary

  • RCUK Policy and Guidelines on Governance of Good Research Conduct (2013)10 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, Section 1: Good Research Conduct: Scope and Expectations, Section 2: Guidelines on the Promotion of Good Research Conduct, Section 3: Unacceptable Research Conduct, Section 4: Guidelines on the Reporting and Investigation of Unacceptable Research Conduct

  • Responsible Conduct in the Global Research Enterprise. A Policy Report by InterAcademy Council (2012)62 Pages

    Table of contents: Foreword, IAP-IAC Committee on Research Integrity, Preface, Report review, Introduction, An Overview of Research Values, Responsible Conduct in the Process of Research, Recommendations for Researchers and Institutions Involved in Research, References, Biographical Sketches of Committee Members

  • Good Research Practice by The Swedish Research Council’s expert group on ethics (2011)131 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, About his book, What ethics dictate and the law demands, About research - What, why, how and for whom?, Ethics and other approval review, Handling of research material, Research collaboration, Publishing research results, Other roles of the researcher, Research misconduct and Key documents researchers should be familiar with.

  • Responsible Research Publication: International Standards for Editors by S. Kleinert, L. Wager (2010)10 Pages

    A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010. This article gives information about editorial principles (Accountability and responsibility for journal content, Editorial independence and integrity, Editorial confidentiality, General editorial policies, Editorial policies relevant only to journals that publish research in humans or animals and Editorial Processes).

  • Research Integrity Practices in Science Europe Member Organisations by Science Europe (2016)50 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, The Survey: Rationale and Methodology, Summary of the Survey Results, Raising Awareness of Research Integrity, Research Integrity Training, Strengthening Collaboration and Monitoring Mobility, Sanctions.

  • Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors by COPE (2011)12 Pages

    Table of contents: General duties and responsibilities of editors, Relations with readers, authors, editors, editorial board members, journal owners and publishers, Editorial and peer review processes, Protecting individual data, Encouraging ethical research (e.g. research involving humans or animals), Dealing with possible misconduct, Ensuring the integrity of the academic record, Intellectual property, Encouraging debate, Complaints, Commercial considerations, Conflicts of interest. ,

  • Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research by NHMRC41 Pages

    Table of contents: About the Code, Principles and Practices to encourage Responsible Research Conduct, Breaches of the Code, Research Misconduct, and the framework for resolving allegations, Appendices

  • A Code of Conduct for Biosecurity. Report by the Biosecurity Working Group (2008)44 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction and background, Biosecurity Code of Conduct, Explanatory notes to the text of the code of conduct, Background to a Biosecurity Code of Conduct, Appendices .

  • Guidance for researchers on retractions in academic journals by UKRIO, COPE (2010)6 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, Contents and suggested distrubution, Standards for retractions, corrections and expressions of concern, The responsibilities of researchers, organisations and authors, Further information.

  • Stewards of Integrity. Institutional Approaches to Promote and Safeguard Good Research Practice in Europe by ESF (2008)56 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, Data Basis, Approaches in individual countries, Summary and Outlook, References, Responsible officials and contact details.

  • A Guide to ethical writing by Michael Roig54 Pages

    The primary purpose of this instructional resource is to identify the various types of unethical writing practices and to derive a set of guidelines to prevent individuals from committing them.

  • Code of Practice for Research. Promoting Good Practice and Preventing Misconduct by UKRIO (2009)27 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, Principles, Standards for organisations and researchers, Appendix: Acknowledgements and bibiography.

  • Integrity in scientific research. Principles and procedures by Swiss Academies of Arts and Science (2008)29 Pages

    Table of contents: Preface, Memorandum on scientific integrity and the handling of misconduct in the scientific context, Principles and procedures concerning integrity. IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH A. Introduction 13 B. Principles of scientific integrity 14

  • Regulations/guidelines concerning scientific integrity issued by Swiss higher education institutions (2013)2 Pages

    List of links

  • National Statement of Scientific Integrity by CSIC (2015)8 Pages

    In English and Spanish. The  present National Statement establishes  ethical  principles  and  professional responsibilities relating to research activity, and at the same time calls for joint efforts  and commitment by all actors involved. 

  • Manual of Conflicts of Interest by CSIC (2015)50 Pages

    Table of contents: Prologue, Aims and scope of the institutional policy on conflicts of interest, Conflicts of interest. Actual, apparent and potential conflicts, Activities, scenarios and situations that may involve conflicts of interest within CSIC, Implementation of the institutional conflicts of interest policy. Procedures and actions. Body responsible for implementation and oversight, Regulatory framework, Annex

  • The Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice by VSNU (2012)15 Pages

    This Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice was drawn up at the request of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (Vereniging van Universiteiten, VSNU). The Code consists of this preamble, the principles and the best practices. The Code is divided into five parts: I. Scrupulousness, II. Reliability, III. Verifiability, IV. Impartiality, V. Independence.

  • National policy statement on Ensuring Research Integrity in Ireland (2014)24 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, Commitments to foster and ensure research integrity, Commitment 1: Standards, Commitment 2: Education, Commitment 3: Collaboration for continuous improvement, Commitment 4: Action to address misconduct. confidence in the Irish research system.

  • HRB Guidelines for Host Institutions on Good Research Practice5 Pages

    Table of contents: Background, General principles on which these guidelines are based, Host institution policies and procedures, Integrity, Openness, Guidance from professional bodies and legislation, Supervision, Training, Ethical practice, Conducting the research, Primary data/samples, Publication of research results, Applying and exploiting results, Other relevant information sources.

  • Recommendations on Academic Integrity: Position Paper by German Council of Science and Humanities (2015)53 Pages

    Table of contents: Preliminary remarks, Preamble: The term Academic Integrity, Taking stock (Recommendations and guidelines on good scientific practice, Implementation in Germany) Areas of action and recommendations (Enabling academic integrity, Research process and publication practice, Dealing with disputes, Influential factors and evaluation criteria, Areas of responsibility of stakeholders), Annexes

  • Responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland by Finnish Advisory Board on RI (2012)44 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, The responsible conduct of research, Violations of the responsible conduct of research, Guidelines for handling alleged violations of the responsible conduct of research.

  • The Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity by Ministry of Higher Education and Science (2014)27 Pages

    Table of contents: Foreword, Principles of Research Integrity, Responsible Conduct of Research, Research integrity teaching, training, and supervision, Research misconduct and breaches of responsible conduct of research, Appendix 1-3

  • Code of Ethics for Scientific Research in Belgium11 Pages

    This “Code of Ethics for Scientific Research in Belgium” establishes the major principles of ethically justified scientific practice.

  • Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice by Austrian Agency for Research Integrity (2015)20 Pages

    In line with international declarations on integrity in research, this document lays down fundamental principles of scientific and scholarly integrity and the resulting fundamental obligations for researchers. On the basis of those principles and fundamental obligations, it then proceeds to define requirements for the behaviour of scientists and researchers (Standards of Good Scientific Practice) as well as key forms of research misconduct.

  • Investigating Research Misconduct Allegations in International Collaborative Research Projects by OECD (2009)14 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, Boilerplate Text for International Collaborative Research Projects, Requirements for misconduct investigation agreements in international research collaborations, Overarching Principles for Investigating Research Misconduct Allegations in International Collaborative Projects, Procedures for Investigating Research Misconduct Allegations in International Collaborative Research Projects, Communication Strategy.

  • Fostering Research Integrity in Europe by European Science Foundation, Final report (2010)44 Pages

    Table of contents: Introductory Note, Executive Summary, The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, Implementing Research Integrity: Elements of a framework for research integrity governance, Conclusions and Recommendations.

  • European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity by ESF and ALLEA (2011)24 Pages

    Table of contents: Foreword, Executive Summary (The Code, The Principles of Research Integrity, Misconduct, Good Research Practices), The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (The Code of Conduct, Background and Elucidation, Guidelines for Good Practice Rules, International Collaborative Research), Annexes, ESF Member Organisation Forum on Research Integrity and list of members, ALLEA Standing Committee on Science and Ethics and list of members

  • Montreal Statement on Research Integrity in Cross-Boundary Research Collaborations (2013)

    The Montreal Statement on Research Integrity in Cross-Boundary Research Collaborations was developed as part of the 3rd World Conference on Research Integrity, 5-8 May 2013, in Montreal, as a global guide to responsible conduct of research.

    75 documents or links were found